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Knowledgebase : WPL > Developers
WPL uses an amazing structure to override the frontend of your website, activities, widgets and even the views in your Administrative Panel! You can simply put the tmpl files on your theme with a specific structure. WPL will then include the overridden fi...
Thank you for developing with WPL! Please find below KB articles: How to override WPL views on a theme? [] How to assign a specific criteria to a listing page? [https://sup...
WPL loads Google map library itself. If a third party theme also loads Google map library it will cause a conflict between WPL and the theme. The issue will appear on the Google map in a way that if you zoom in or zoom out your map does not load. Also a J...
You can upload your preferred image via the media menu of WordPress backend. Then click on the image to see the details. Then copy the image URL an save it somewhere. You will need this URL. Go to WPL28 Settings -> Custom CSS. Copy following code in t...
Hi developers, In this Article, I will describe about WPL28 custom header and how to use it: WPL28 theme has a new type for developers. This type doesn't have any content so you can add your desired content for the header. First of all, You need to make s...
PROPERTY TYPE CATEGORY Since WPL3.5.0, you can add new property type (and manage existing) categories using WPL->Data Structure->Property Types->Categories. LISTING TYPE CATEGORY To add new categories listing types you should go to the database of you...
Firstly, find out what kind of entity you want to add a new field. You can find WPL defined kinds on [wp_prefix]_wpl_kinds table. For example: the kind id of the property is 0 and the kind id of the user is 2. 1- Check the table column in the [wp_prefix...
WPL Comes with two default categories for images (image and floorplan) but if you need more categories then you can add them by inserting a simple record on [wp_prefix]_wpl_item_categories table. There are already some records on this table for image cate...
WPL units saved in [wp_prefix]_wpl_units table. If you want to add a new unit into the WPL, you should add a new record in this table. Please fill the below columns based on instructions: ID: Add a high id into this field. 10001 and higher are good valu...
USING WPL DEFAULT QUERY TYPES WPL search feature work by using standard criteria query strings, so you can simply define your desired criteria for a specific listing page. Some important parameters are accessible through WPL shortcode wizard. For example...
To create a new layout for WPL widgets, copy and paste one of the existing layouts and rename it a custom name. For example: if you want to create a new layout for the Carousel widget, create a new file in this path: /wp-content/plugins/real-estate-listin...
This article is created for developer who want to include WPL in their theme and develop a WPL compatible theme. See below for the requirements to create a WPL compatible theme: 1- Use the WPL shortcode wizard to add all of its shortcodes to your page...
First of all, we recommend you to upload images of listings to host and let WPL to resize them based on its options because it will have great affect on your website page speed and reducing page size. But if you don't want to save images on the host for...
If you want to show some new fields in the property listing page you should do the following steps: 1- Open [wp_prefix]_wpl_dbst table in your website database and find the field that you want to show and then set its plisting column to 1 instead of 0. ...
You can find simple description about WPL DB Tables here. Also you can download DB diagram from attachments. This KB is as is. WP_WPL_PROPERTIES: This table stores properties information. WP_WPL_USERS: This table stores WPL users (Agents) information. W...
WPL has a flexible shortcode so you can do almost everything that you need for filtering listings using this shortcode. Let's check WPL shortcode structure. [WPL parameter1="value1" parameter2="value2" ....] for filtering your desired listings you can...
This issue appeared in version 3.2.0 and it will be fixed in the next version of plugin. In order to fix this issue in the version 3.2.0 you need to insert next code into your site: [itemprop="description"],[itemprop="description"] p { text-transform:...
NOTE: The instruction provided below is technical, and if you are not a developer or a technical person, then please consult with your hosting provider. This issue happens because of the "ft_min_word_len" variable in your server's MySQL Configurations. ...