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How to change PHP INI values using CPanel
Posted by on 12 March 2022 05:29 AM

If you want to make changes to your PHP INI file , CPanel offers a feature called "INI Editor" that makes it easy to make changes to the most important php ini values.

1.Please login into your cPanel, and open the "MultiPHP INI Editor".

2.Select your desired Location

3. Change needed ini values ( such as max_execution_time , max_input_time , max_input_vars , memory_limit , post_max_size , upload_max_filesize) and click on Apply button to finalize your changes

 cpanel-ini-editor.jpg (26.47 KB)
 cpanel-select-location.png (34.34 KB)
 cpanel-ini-apply.png (75.50 KB)

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