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How to use Advanced Filtering options of WPL Shortcode Wizard?
Posted by on 07 August 2019 06:13 AM
Since WPL 4.6.0 we added an advanced filtering option to our great shortcode wizard. Using this option you're able to filter listings with almost all the WPL fields (created from Flex menu). Please check the following figure:

Select your desired field from Filter dropdown and then it will be added below. Then use the type dropdown and text input to filter the listings. You're able to add multiple filter options. Below you will find meaning of each filter type.
- Contains: It will find those listings that contain a term on the selected field. For example if you insert John for Street column then it will match with John, Johnson, Jack John etc.
- Include: You can insert multiple values for this filter type separated by comma. It will find those listings that match with at-least one of the terms. For example for Street column you can insert John, James, Freedom etc. as value.
- Exclude: You can insert multiple values for this filter type separated by comma. It will exclude those listings that match with at-least one of the terms from search results. For example for Street column you can insert John, James, Freedom etc. as value.
- Exactly: It will find those listings that exactly matched with the inserted term. For example if you insert John for Street column then it will match with only John.
- Greater: It will find those listings that are equals or greater than the inserted value for selected field. For example for bedroom field you can select greater and insert 2 as value to show 2 bedrooms and higher properties on the page.
- Smaller: It will find those listings that are equals or lower than the inserted value for selected field. For example for bedroom field you can select smaller and insert 2 as value to show 2, 1 and 0 bedrooms properties on the page.