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How to set certain unit for area fields in search widget?
Posted by on 07 June 2019 08:03 AM
WPL is a multi unit system which means you can have more than 1 unit for area, length, volume and prices. If two or more unit were enabled for area field on WPL->Data Structure->"Unit Manager" then all of the units will show on search widget by default as a dropdown field for area fields such as Square Footage or Lot Area. If you want to select a certain unit for a field then you can do it by passing the unit ID as 4th parameter in search widget. Let's say you have Lot Area field on your search widget and you don't want to have a dropdown of units for that field. Instead you want to select "Acre" as unit of this field. You should open the search widget configuration panel on Appearance->Widgets menu and set the ID of Acre unit as 4th parameter. Please check following figures. ![]() ![]() | |
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