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Why it is important to add Google Server Side API Key?
Posted by on 24 December 2018 09:03 AM
If you check WPL->Settings->Global section, you will see two fields for inserting Google API Keys.
  • The first API key used for frontend functions so you should restrict the key via domains because it's a public key and other users can see your key.
  • The second one is Server Side API key. It is a private key used in the backend of WPL in server level so visitors of your website are not able to see it.
Server Side key is important and you should fill it because normally you restrict the frontend key with your website domain and if WPL use it in the server level, Google returns a restriction error and don't provide us the expected results so it is required to set up a new API key in Google console without domain restriction (You can apply IP restrictions) and set it in the WPL->Settings->Global->Google API Key (Server Side).

You should enable Google Maps API, Geo-coding API and other needed APIs for this key. If you don't fill it then some functionality may don't work on your website like converting address strings to geographical point and text radius search.

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