How to filter listings using WPL shortcode?
Posted by on 17 October 2016 02:25 AM
WPL has a flexible shortcode so you can do almost everything that you need for filtering listings using this shortcode. Let's check WPL shortcode structure.
for filtering your desired listings you can simply use parameters. For example placing sf All filtering parameters start with sf prefix. select It's operand of your query, you can use following operand types: select: It uses for looking for a certain value into the listings. For example notselect: It acts as opposite of select. It adds multiple: If you want to look for a multiple values, you can use this operand. For example text: If you want to search on a listings with a term, then you can use this operand type. for example tmin: You can use it for numeric filters. For example if you place tmax: It acts like tmin but for maximum search. For example if you place between: It's a combination of tmin and tmax. For example if you place datemin and datemax: They act like tmin and tmax operands but for date fields. listing The third part is column name, You can find the column name in Flex menu. Just click edit button of your desired field. Note: You can insert multiple filtering parameter into the shortcode. | |
I've seen a "limit" parameter used before but I personally can't get it to work.