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How do I mark listings as SOLD?
Posted by on 03 February 2016 06:03 AM

If you have sold a property and you want to mark it as sold on your website, there are several ways you can do this:

1- The easiest way is to purge the sold listing from your website. If you don't want to purge it, you can delete it temporary. This way it won't show on the search pages.

2- If you want to show it in the search pages marked as sold, you can use the WPL tags addon and create a new tag called 'Sold' and then add the 'sold' tag to your sold listing. This way a sold caption will show on the listing images on your property listing pages and your website visitor will see that the listing is sold.  To do this  you will need to have WPL Pro.

3- If you want to separate the sold listings from active listings on the listings pages please follow these steps:

- Create a new listing type, named "Sold".

- Assign sold listings to the "Sold" listing type.

- Create a WordPress page and show only sold listings using the WPL shortcode wizard and add it to your theme menus.

- Use the multiple listing type option and show all available listing types except "Sold" in your WPL main listing page.

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