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How to manage property listing style switcher (List/Grid/Map option)
Posted by on 26 November 2014 02:03 AM

How to Make Default Result Views for WPL from realtyna on Vimeo.

Since WPL 2.0.0, we have added a style switcher to the property listing view of WPL, so visitors can switch between list and grid and Map styles.


Grid View:

The default value of the style switcher is "Grid" but you can change it by placing a key "value" text into the WPL shortcode. For selecting List style as default, you need to place this text wplpcc="row_box" and for selecting a grid style as default, place this text wplpcc="grid_box" into the WPL shortcode.

For example: [WPL kind="0" tpl="default" wplpcc="row_box"]

List View: 

You can change the default view to list view by inserting  wplpcc="row_box" into the shortcode.

Map view:

Note: You need to have a WPL Advanced Portal search add-on for this feature.

You need to insert wplpcc="map_box" into the wpl shortcode.


If you want to disable the switcher you can place this text into the shortcode: wplpcc_switcher="0"

For example: [WPL kind="0" tpl="default" wplpcc="row_box" wplpcc_switcher="0"]

Comments (3)
Joseph Du Bois
10 September 2015 10:21 AM
Thanks for this valuable piece of information. Could you guide me as to how I get this into the shortcode please?
Melanie M.
27 November 2016 04:52 AM
You may just edit the page which contains the shortcode (Admin -> Pages/Posts -> View All) switch to the code mode of the editor and apply the changes to the shortcode.
Justin Zarr
17 September 2018 11:19 AM
Can you add these options into the Visual Composer element please? We're using the Bridge theme and the current WPL VC element for displaying listings does not have the properties mentioned here.