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Where can I find help with the WPL Complex/Condo Add-on?
Posted by on 24 August 2014 10:07 AM

To download the Complex/Condo Add-On Manual from the Realtyna server, please click here.

Comments (2)
Fran Bailey
16 January 2017 04:41 PM
Questions Not Covered by the WPL Complex Add-On Manual

What is the purpose of the property type specified for each complex? Does it help determine which listings are assigned to each complex when they are loaded by the MLS Add-on? If so, how can listings of a different property type be displayed on the page for a complex? For example, if a complex is assigned a property type of Apartment, how can listings for Deeded Parking in the complex also be listed on the complex page?

What is the purpose of the listing type specified for each complex? Does it help determine which listings are assigned to each complex when they are loaded by the MLS Add-on? If so, how can listings of a different type be displayed on the page for a complex? For example, if a complex is assigned a listing type of For Sale, how can For Rent listings also be listed on the complex page?

What is Ref ID and how is it used?
21 January 2017 01:07 AM
Actually the users are able to set the property type and listing type for every property in the WPL. Either it's Complex or Unit/Property, and you can make the specific page for these kinds of properties.
And also it's compatible with the MLS add-on, that the appropriate MLS field should be find in this matter.
I suggest making a support ticket to get more information accordingly.