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Property details page is not opening! 404 not found error on single property page!

Posted by Howard R. on 25 March 2014 09:04 AM

There can be various reasons for this issue.

1- If you are using the SEO feature of WPL, you should check the WordPress permalink configuration. The permalink option should be set to any item except default. (post name is recommended)

2- There should be a .htaccess on the root of your website.

3- Maybe a WPL permalink is set incorrectly:

You can find complete instructions for this issue in our WPL manual.  To set the permalink of WPL on the main page, go to:

WPL settings > SEO > Main permalink.  See the following screenshot below for further guidance:

4- If you are using an IIS server you must use the "Target page" option for configuring WPL menus. The SEO feature does not work properly on non-standard servers. Please refer to this KB article for configuring WPL menus:

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